Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Here's to "crossings"...

Crossing the three and half kilometres from Fernwood launch on Salt Spring Island en route to Galiano Island via the end of Wallace Island - brisk breeze from the west and lively waves! As much fun as it is to paddle the shorelines - with all the fascinating geology, inter-tidal marine life, and occasional flotsam, it's crossings that get the heart rate up! Weather can change rapidly, marine traffic can suddenly "appear", and if you're lucky, you might just see a whale!

Crossings give a paddler a sense of achievement - not unlike traversing a border and entering a new land. Crossings by small craft should also foster a deep respect for the natural environment - and how unpredictable it can be. Crossings, therefore, require planning, situation awareness, and, of course, a spirit of high adventure!'s the only way to island hop!



  1. Think I shall stick to the shoreline! Looks a little rough out there.

  2. The perfect way to travel. Have you camped at Wallace Island yet? One of the best camping areas in the Gulf Islands!

  3. Thanks for your note, Kevin. Yes, camped at Wallace in late May while paddling around Saltspring (earlier blog). Really nice and trail even invites a pre-dinner run! As you say, these are indeed "Enchanted Isles".

  4. Hi Anon,

    You'd be fine, we just remember to keep the pretty coloured side up and facing the sky! Smile.
